Sunday, December 20, 2020

Winter In The Netherlands | Emmeloord

Winter In The Netherlands 


It was an odd year 2007 when there was no snow in The Netherlands. It was month of December already and no sign or predication of snow this year. Many elderly people who are used to see white Christmas were little dispirited. Kids were missing the snow sledging and skiing. Cloudy gray sky was adding to the dullness.

And on a Saturday Morning all kids and elderly people were taken by surprise from mother Nature. Whole countryside was covered with white flakes and frost which turned the atmosphere to bright white and spirit to Joyful cheers.

Slightest sign of snow for a person from Tropical region is always a delight, while usually this "delight" surprises any elderly person who are used to white winter especially in Europe or USA. I have seen people from tropical region travelling specially to just see snow, running and  screaming out of excitement to see not even the snow but just frost looking white during the winter.

But this year was different I got to see both Tropical and European persons running with excitement with a hope to have one more white Christmas. 


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Lake Superior | Duluth

Lake Superior | Duluth

Duluth is fourth largest city of state Minnesota, USA situated in northern part of the state. This city is special due to home to harbor on bank of Great lake - Lake superior. City is home to Aquarium by same same name - Great Lakes Aquarium which showcases species from sweet water.

Duluth is situated around canal park which is a great visitor place and have lot of recreational activities going around it. Downtown Lakewalk running across the bank of the great lake is great fun for trolling or riding bikes. Few also prefer to visit lighthouse pier next to the canal. Lot of restaurants, kids parks is developed around to add to the recreation. Ship museum is also a great attraction to visit here. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Story of Atma Linga of Mahabaleshwar, Gokarna | Murudeshwar

Mythological Museum

Murudeshwar is a beautiful sea shore location surrounded with Grand Temple of Shiva and a small clean beach next to it with lot of water sport activities available. Adventure loving souls has lot of option here include boat rides to sea and scuba diving. Green spread of coconut tree opposite to temple makes this location picturesque.

Just beyond the temple in Temple campus there is a mythological museum depicting story of King Ravana and how the five atma linga including the Shiva linga of Gokarna came in to existence. The Video is an small effort to tell same story. 

Some more Videos of Murudeshwar are as under -